Part-Time Gods of Fate nun als PDF veröffentlicht
Erst kürzlich hat Frank in einem längeren Artikel (EN / DE) über den Kickstarter und seine Erlebnisse mit dem Beta-Regelwerk des Rollenspiels Part-Time Gods of fate berichtet. Nun ist das Regelwerk als PDF verfügbar. Dazu heißt es:
Third Eye Games and Encoded Designs have teamed up to deliver Part-Time Gods of Fate, an RPG about mortals who gain the spark of divinity but still have their daily lives to contend with. The Beta is over and the final, complete version of this awesome game is now available in PDF. Part-Time Gods of Fate merges 3EG’s popular setting with Encoded Designs’ take on the Fate Core system.
In Part-Time Gods, you’ll explore what it’s like to gain awesome divine power, battle world-threatening outsiders, and develop relationships with fellow members of your pantheon. Of course, being a god doesn’t pay the rent and it doesn’t excuse you from missing your sister’s wedding. You’ll need to make tough decisions to make it as a divine being in modern society—do you have time to help your fellow deities fend off impending doom before your sister walks down the isle?
Now you can be powered by divinity in a game Powered by Fate. The game takes a system you know and love and adds new rules like Territory Creation, Worshipers and Relics, and more.
Don’t let this divine opportunity pass you buy. Get your copy of Part-Time Gods of Fate today!