Fate World of Adventure: Nest
Es ist schon der Hammer mit welcher Geschwindigkeit Evil Hat über das Patreon Projekt Hintergundwelten für Fate Core und Fate Accelerated (auf Deutsch als Turbo Fate veröffentlicht) raushauen. Heute ist Nest erscheinen:
There is a place where children go to become heroes, only discovered by a desperate few when they need it most. Here, they escape from their normal lives, slay giants, solve riddles, learn magic, and become kings and queens. Children grow up and the fantasies of childhood are forgotten.
But now the realm you once protected is under attack. You must leave behind your life, your family, and your ordinary job to defend your past from something terrible and very, very real.
Nest, by David Goodwin, is a game of rediscovering the magic of childhood—or shattering the illusions of youth.
Nest requires Fate Core to play. This 56-page supplement includes:
- Location seeds for the various kingdoms of Nest
- A variety of fantasy themes to explore: epic adventure, steampunk marvels, talking animals, and riddles and puzzles
- Simple rules for the creation of talismans, and some sample talismans to get you started
- A milestone system to allow characters to advance (or regress) during game play
- A sample adventure—Call to Adventure: The Threshing Stone
Magic never dies. It is only forgotten.
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