Fate Core knackt 400.00$
Evil Hat haben es getan, vielmehr die Fans von FateCore. Die Unglaubliche statistik:
9,467 Backers
$409,346 pledged of $3,000 goal
10 hours to go
Damit wird Dresden Files Accelerated wirklichkeit und die Jungs von Evil Hat fangen mit wahnwitzigen Stretchgoals das Blödeln an.
Der zweiterfolgreichste Kickstarter beschehrt uns Spielmaterial ohne Ende und ein glattgezogenes universelles offizielles Fate. Fred Hicks beim erreichen der 400.00$:
We’ve detonated the $400,000 goal. Everyone at $10 and up will be getting a ridiculous $110 in PDFs! Dresden Files Accelerated will begin development in 2014. YOU DID IT!
We’ve got 14 hours to go and some celebrating to do. As part of that celebration, we’re gonna do a mixture of backer and money based „silly stretches“ at this point. More may get added to this list as time goes on during the day, so drop on by and join in the „ride it on home“ comment party!
At 9,000 backers, Fred will post a 6-second video of silliness. ALREADY ACHIEVED! http://vine.co/v/bJgX3lUuhmV (Check his Twitter Feed at @fredhicks for even more Vine-driven silliness.)
At 9,500 backers, Fred will release a soundfile of a selection of his villainous laughs into the public domain!
At $450,000, the Fate Core dingbat font will be released IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting until Fate Core is finalized!
At 10,000 backers, Fred will post a Vine video of him trying to hit the high note in a very rough karaoke cover of Mr. Roboto! Can he do it?! (Can YOU?!)
At $500,000, Fred and Lenny will sing a duet (song of their choice) and post it on youtube. SPOILER ALERT: Only Lenny is likely to be in key.
If we hit $517,256 we’ll knock Numenera off of the #1 spot for most funded RPG kickstarter of all time… Ambitious! But if we make it, Fred will pelt Chris Hanrahan (our brand marketing guy and the reason Dresden Files Accelerated showed up as a goal) with a stuffed pony until Chris relents and lets Fred do his Fate based space opera setting! (Just kidding. Chris may not relent. But Fred WILL pelt him with a stuffed pony!)
Feel free to name your own silly (or just awesome) stretch goals (that you will, yourself, fulfill — no promises on behalf of others!) in the comments below.
Y’all’ve earned some celebration time, Fate Corps! Party on!